Marx and Engels in Manchester International ConferenceMarx and Engels in Manchester International Conference 30 November - 1 December 2024 At Manchester/Salford
Co-hosters: - Marx & Engels International Humanities Exchange Association (MEIA) - University of Salford - Canterbury Christ Church University - The Marxism Specialist Group of the Political Studies Association of the United Kingdom (PSA)
Dates: 30 November 2024 - 1 December 2024 (Saturday - Sunday) Venue: University of Salford Conference Building Main Venue Sub-venues Academic organizers: - Prof. David Bates, Professor of Contemporary Political Thought and Director of Research and Enterprise for the School of LPSS and Associate Director of Research and Enterprise, Canterbury Christ Church University - Prof. Paul Blackledge, Professor, Shanxi University - Prof. Terrell Carver, Professor of Political Theory, School of Sociology, Politics and International Studies, University of Bristol Background information: Manchester and Salford were the world’s first industrialized factory-cities of the railway age. They were surely what Marx and Engels had in mind when they wrote in the Communist Manifesto of ‘whole populations conjured out of the ground’. Engels knew the twin cities from the age of seventeen, taken there by his father on a business trip. And it was to Manchester that he took Marx – on his very first trip abroad – in the summer of 1845. After that their personal and epistolary – and indeed pecuniary – relationship was more to do with Manchester than anywhere else, till Engels retired the two of them to London in 1869. Much has changed in the conurbation since those days, and even buildings familiar to Engels and to Marx, when he visited, now have very different uses. Yet the revitalized post-industrial landscapes make an excellent setting for an international conference inspired by people and place. Greater Manchester is itself a rich thematic through which to re-visit and re-examine, not just the works and thoughts of modern industry’s greatest theorists and most trenchant critics, but importantly to engage with the on-going conflicts of capitalist upheaval and global resistance. ‘Cottonopolis’ of the 1840s was an imperial city of manufacture and trade, and ‘The Northern Powerhouse’ of current politics is its 21st century avatar. We invite paper-proposals on these themes below, though other ideas will certainly be considered:
List of Experts: Requirements:
Registration for Participation: Please send your application to this email: info@themeia.org including your name, organization, position, and the dates you will attend. Additionally, please indicate whether you require the association's staff to arrange transportation and accommodation for you.
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